Saturday, September 19, 2009
Where did August go?
New Things:
Lily can put together puzzles and match objects. I worked on this with her for so long and now she completely understands the idea of "same." She knows how to work the leapfrog toy that I got her for her birthday. I really thought it would be too hard, but she knows which pieces go together.
We were reading Elmo's opposites in the bathtub the other day.
Elmo says stop. She signs stop.
Elmo says go. She signs go.
Elmo says day. She signs day. I almost fall down. I didn't know she knew that sign.
Elmo says night. She signs night. Same thing happens again.
Elmo says up. She jumps up.
Elmo says down. She squashes down. See above for my reaction.
Then I kid you not. She says, "EIEI" without the o. She wanted to sing Old MacDonald.
Lily started gymnastics on Monday. Oh my goodness! I have never seen such absolute cuteness. The teachers were so nice and patient. Class started out with one teacher and 2 students. In a few minutes after the teacher had tried to get Lily to sit down 4 times, another teacher comes in. In the end it was 2 teachers and 3 students. That's a great ratio for Lily. She jumped on the trampoline, pulled up on the parallel bars, rolled and did flips down the soft ramp and played duck, duck, goose at the end. She didn't follow directions or stay with the group very well, but I didn't think she did so bad for her first class. Class is held in a smaller room with a window so I could see in. I think she'll do better in this than ballet. I was afraid that might be too structured and not enough activity for her. She loves to climb and tumble. The teacher gave her a sticker at the end of class. Last year she used to eat them. This time she just kept looking at it and lightly touching. She kept it on until she went to bed. I think she was proud.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
McDonald's, Vacation Day, and Potty Training!
That's it for now. I hope your enjoying your new car. It looks really nice.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Look at these shoes!
Does my girl have some serious attitude or what? I finally got half a smile after singing The Wheels on the Bus and The Itsy Bitsy Spider.
Lily did great on potty training today. She was dry all day except when I put a diaper on a nap time. She pooped and peed in the potty. I'm sure you wanted to know that. She's getting the hang of the candy thing. You know if you do your business in the potty you can have 3 m and m's. I was really only going to give her one, but she really only goes like 4 times a day. The girl can hold it. She also holds it while we go to the store. I've been taking her to the store in underwear! I'm saving so much money on diapers and wipes. I love it! I'm going to try to video some of her new signs tomorrow. She is signing eat and candy a lot. But you can never tell how Miss Attitude will cooperate. Today she ate broccoli with her fetucinni alfredo. Wow, those are hard words to spell. And I'm not looking them up. I probably shouldn't type posts at 10:37 because they become very stream of conciousness writing. And that's a little frightening. We're looking forward to your visit. I've been showing her your picture and trying to teach her your name. Now she points to you in the hallway. One time she said "me" after I said your name, but she hasn't done it again.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Does Chuckie understand sign language?
So finally the trauma and the drama of the tonsils is finally over. They are not kidding when they say two weeks. That was 9 days of pure torture for everyone here. Lortab was a saving grace and the worst enemy. It made her so dizzy she would almost fall down when she tried to walk. It made her tired, but she couldn't sleep. It also numbed the pain enough to let her drink. Let me start at the beginning. You've got time right?
Here is two of Lily watching the fireworks. She really liked them. Her new word is "eeeee." It's supposed to be see and she says it when she points. Too cute! Oh and her new favorite snack food is cheesy bugles. That's what she has all over her face.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Here's Lily just befor she fell out of her seat. I held her in my lap after that.
The rest of the time she looked like this. Well except during intermission when she wanted to get down from my lap. She went directly to the stage and tried to climb the stairs. When Elmo came to see us. She just hugged and petted him. He is furry after all.
On the way home Susan saw a sign for a covered bridge. Using her super photo op powers, she sensed that we must investigate further. She was right. It was really pretty there. We saw an owl in the daytime. He must have been confused. and the covered bridge. Too bad people had painted graffitti all over it.
But we still got a couple of good pictures. I've uploaded the others to Walmart.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
One more day till Elmo Live!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ha, I just figured out how to upload pictures a much easier way. Wow. That was a lot quicker. Today we went outside and played in the water. Lily "loved" wearing her hat. Actually she pretty much left it alone. She licked the popsicle and then she was done. I wished she would like them more. That would make the tonsil thing easier. Oh well. One lick today and tomorrow she could be scarfing them down.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My computer is slow
This one's called high def. I can't decide if I like it or not.
All the rest are uploaded to Walmart under my account.