Friday, July 10, 2009

Look at these shoes!

They are seriously so cute. Last year when I bought them for $2.97 they were too long and too flat. I couldn't shove her chubby little flintstone feet all the way to the top. Now there almost too small, but I think she can wear the once or twice more. I put them with this outfit. Yes, it came from Gymboree, my new obsession. But I only buy on clearance with a coupon. They have hair bows to match everything! And purses. And socks. And hats. And shoes, but you know Lily and shoes are kind of hit or miss. And bracelets. And just really too much. But's it's very fun. She was not in a mood to tolerate pictures today. I kept getting this look when she saw the camera.

Does my girl have some serious attitude or what? I finally got half a smile after singing The Wheels on the Bus and The Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Lily did great on potty training today. She was dry all day except when I put a diaper on a nap time. She pooped and peed in the potty. I'm sure you wanted to know that. She's getting the hang of the candy thing. You know if you do your business in the potty you can have 3 m and m's. I was really only going to give her one, but she really only goes like 4 times a day. The girl can hold it. She also holds it while we go to the store. I've been taking her to the store in underwear! I'm saving so much money on diapers and wipes. I love it! I'm going to try to video some of her new signs tomorrow. She is signing eat and candy a lot. But you can never tell how Miss Attitude will cooperate. Today she ate broccoli with her fetucinni alfredo. Wow, those are hard words to spell. And I'm not looking them up. I probably shouldn't type posts at 10:37 because they become very stream of conciousness writing. And that's a little frightening. We're looking forward to your visit. I've been showing her your picture and trying to teach her your name. Now she points to you in the hallway. One time she said "me" after I said your name, but she hasn't done it again.

1 comment:

The Williamsons said...

"Me" is very close! Keep working on it. . .you have a little over a month. Hey don't forget to e-mail me with the website and your login info for the gymboree stuff.